Will My Son Also Be Infertile? [ powerful ]

Will My Son Also Be Infertile? Lots of things in life are passed from father to son (Courtesy: Unsplashed) It’s only been about a generation or so since we have come to realize that a significant chunk of male infertility is caused by subtle genetic changes in male DNA. Sure, syndromes based on larger, chromosomal […]
Real Benefits of Male Hormone Replacement

Real Benefits of Male Hormone Replacement Is testosterone therapy really all it’s cracked up to be? Does it really help your sex life? Does it actually help you live longer? Is testosterone the medicinal Holy Grail for men? And how, pray tell, have we come to believe that anabolic-suffused competitive bodybuilders, those (spray) tanned Adonis’ […]
The Best Medicine for Humans is Humanness

I have to say that I have led a truly privileged life in medicine. Throughout my long and storied education as a physician and caregiver, I have stood on the shoulders of many great mentors. In high school I had teachers who imbued biology and physics with wonder, awe, and hard-to-see logic. And then there […]
Men Who Became Fathers Thanks to a Second Opinion
Creating knowledge from information is the key to Second Opinions (Courtesy: Leon Gao, Unsplash) Second opinions are commonplace in law, business, building and construction, and car repair. However, the idea that “two heads are better than one” really began in medicine. Second opinions should be considered when the diagnosis or treatment is unclear or when […]
A New Problem: Popular Male Fertility Procedure Can Lower Testosterone Levels
Testosterone: the “oil” of your body’s machine (Courtesy Susan Wilkinson, Unsplash). Testosterone has been top of mind in medicine over the last decade. And for good reason: It is now clear that testosterone in men is essential for normal growth, maturation, health, and well-being. In the brain, “vitamin T” influences sex drive, assertiveness, mood, energy, […]
Rediscovering Vasectomy in the Post-Roe V. Wade Era
Have we hit the tipping point with vasectomies? (Courtesy Unsplash.com) For the last 40 years, since Roe V. Wade, abortions have been a federally protected, constitutional right. But in June 2022 the Supreme Court ruled that there is nothing in the US Constitution that addresses abortion and handed the abortion issue to individual states to […]
Prostate Cancer: A Rockier Road to Fatherhood?
Taking the road less travelled can be a great thing (Courtesy John Salzarulo, Unsplash). Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in American men, just behind lung cancer. While prostate cancer is a serious disease by any measure, most men diagnosed with it will survive it (98% overall 5-year survival). But in […]
What’s the Skinny on Weight and Male Infertility
The unbearable lightness of being (Courtesy Diana Polekhina, Unsplash) Ok, so you’re a victim of the “quarantine-19,” the perfunctory weight gain associated with the (very real) stress of COVID. Maybe you pivoted to fast food and dropped your exercise routine. Or you began to relish those end-of-day ‘quarantini’ cocktails now that you’re not commuting anymore. […]
When Should a Man Check His Fertility?
The Holy Grail of health care is prevention. (Photo by Dawn McDonald on Unsplash) Having practiced medicine for almost three decades now, I’ve learned quite a few things. As one who always seeks to improve, the one thing that I would most like to change in our healthcare system is its “defensive” orientation. Medicine spends […]
How is a Vasectomy Reversal Like a Bespoke Suit?
Cloaked in the bespoke…can actually make sense! (Courtesy: Unsplash) Maybe you wear suits, and maybe you don’t. If you do, maybe you wear them for work or just for pleasure. Either way, suits vary widely in quality, look and performance. One big difference between suits is whether they are “off the rack” or “bespoke,” meaning […]